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What’s the Difference Between Seamless and Sectional Gutters?

August 31, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumguttersteam @ 7:24 am

attaching gutter to homeGutters are a necessary component of any home. They help to control the amount of water that falls down around your house, which protects the foundation of one of your most important investments (your home). That’s important here in north Texas, where during the spring we can go from dry as a bone to drenched in a New York minute.

When you visit your gutter company in Flower Mound, you will find there are two main options in gutters: seamless and sectional. What’s the difference between the two? It has to do with how they’re pieced together and installed on your home. Keep reading to find out more, and which one is right for your house.

We Recommend Seamless Gutters

Sectional gutters are probably what pops into your mind when you think “gutter.” They are the traditional variety of gutter — and now they look pretty old fashioned compared to seamless gutters. Sectional gutters are pieced together in 10- to 20-foot sections with a seam at each connection. They are more likely to buckle and leak in a heavy rain.

By comparison, seamless gutters are continuous, meaning they only have joints at the corners and where they meet the downspouts. They cost a bit more upfront than sectional gutters, but because they require less maintenance later on, they end up being the best investment in the long run.

Here’s how sectional and seamless gutters match up.

  • Sectional gutters are less expensive, but they are more likely to leak, sag, come apart from the house, or otherwise malfunction.
  • Seamless gutters are crafted on-site to ensure they fit your home perfectly.
  • Seamless gutters are less noticeable and more attractive on your home.
  • Using seamless materials means less maintenance over time.

Installing Seamless Gutters

When you contact Platinum Gutters, we will evaluate your home and determine your gutter needs. Sectional gutters made from aluminum are a wonderful option, as aluminum is highly resistant to rust — and the seamless system reduces the risk of rust even more. Seamless aluminum gutters will require little maintenance after their installation.

There are still several options in gutters once we have decided on seamless and aluminum. We will decide which size and style suits your home best. The standard is usually a five inch, K-style, seamless aluminum system.

Seamless gutters are crafted on-site, ensuring a customized fit that will through even the heaviest Texas downpours!

Protecting your home is one of the wisest things you can do, and gutters are no place to try to save a few bucks. Don’t hesitate to contact your professional painting company to get started with a gutter upgrade if you need one.  

About the Authors

At Platinum Gutters, we have been enhancing homes in the Keller and Flower Mound areas since 2008. We are a family-owned local leader providing only residential gutters — so we know our business. To learn more about gutters or to schedule a consultation with your Flower Mound gutter company, we invite you to contact the team at 817-380-4404.

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